Product level CO2e

gathered, modelled, verified & attested.

Unlock the advantages of carbon attested products with a platform that digitally maps your entire vendors, operations & products create verified & carbon intensity attestations.

Start your attested product level carbon journey


With the CarbonSig platform, gathering data from vendors, primary, and/or reference sources is a seamless experience, facilitated by intuitive interfaces and automated integration tools. This centralized data collection not only simplifies the process but also ensures consistency, leading to more accurate assessments and enabling businesses to make more informed, data-driven sustainability decisions.

Reference data

CarbonSig’s reference data integration is pivotal in elevating the accuracy and reliability of carbon footprint calculations. By tapping into established carbon footprint benchmarks and datasets, it allows users to enrich their analysis, even when they might not have firsthand data available.

Pre-populated Datasets:
CarbonSig provides users access to comprehensive reference data. This means when primary data is absent, users can still proceed with estimations based on industry benchmarks or averages.

Automated Data Integration:
When users input their data, the platform automatically cross-references it with the available reference datasets to validate, complement, or provide comparative analysis.

Flexible Data Sourcing:
CarbonSig ensures that users can choose between primary data, reference data, or a blend of both to suit their specific needs and available resources.

Industry-specific Benchmarks:
The platform offers reference data tailored to various industries, ensuring that the benchmarks used are relevant and representative.

Continuously Updated Databases:
CarbonSig maintains its reference datasets with regular updates, ensuring that users always have access to the latest and most accurate data.

Data Reliability:
Even in the absence of primary data, users can rely on vetted reference data, enhancing the reliability of their calculations.

Speed and Efficiency:
With ready-to-use datasets, the data gathering process is accelerated, eliminating the need to start from scratch or wait for vendor inputs.

Accuracy in Estimations:
Industry-specific benchmarks ensure that any estimations made using reference data are as accurate as possible, given the context.

Cost Savings:
Using pre-established datasets can save businesses the time and expense of primary data collection, especially when such collection is challenging or costly.

Informed Decision-making:
With a blend of primary and reference data, businesses gain a more holistic view, facilitating better-informed and data-driven decisions.

Consistency and Standardization:
Using reference data ensures that businesses are aligning with industry standards, allowing for more consistent comparisons and assessments.

Risk Mitigation:
By validating primary data against reliable reference data, businesses can identify and correct potential discrepancies, reducing the risks of inaccurate reporting.

Enhanced Stakeholder Trust:
Relying on vetted reference datasets can boost credibility, building trust among consumers, investors, and partners about the authenticity of carbon footprint calculations.

Data from vendors / RFI

Integrating vendor-specific data into the CarbonSig platform brings granularity and precision to carbon footprint calculations. The RFI (Request For Information) function stands out as a robust tool in this process, enabling businesses to solicit and incorporate detailed data directly from their suppliers and partners.

Direct Data Solicitation:
Businesses can send out automated RFI requests to their vendors, asking for specific carbon footprint or environmental data related to the products or services they provide.

Streamlined Data Integration:
Upon receiving the RFI responses, the platform can automatically assimilate this vendor-specific data into the carbon footprint analysis.

Vendor Collaboration Interface:
The platform provides a shared interface where vendors can interact, clarify doubts, and even update their data periodically.

Customizable RFI Templates:
Depending on the industry and the type of data required, businesses can use or customize RFI templates to ensure the information gathered is relevant.

Real-time Monitoring:
As vendors respond to the RFIs, businesses can monitor the inflow of data in real-time, ensuring that the most current data is always reflected in the analysis.

Enhanced Data Precision:
Direct vendor data ensures calculations are based on actual figures rather than approximations, leading to a more accurate carbon footprint assessment.

Streamlined Processes:
Automated RFI workflows significantly reduce the manual effort and time required to gather and integrate vendor data.

Collaborative Engagement:
The RFI function fosters closer collaboration with vendors, promoting a collective effort towards sustainability and accuracy in reporting.

Reduced Data Gaps:
By tapping into vendor data, businesses can address potential data gaps in their carbon footprint analysis, ensuring a comprehensive assessment.

Trustworthiness & Credibility:
Using direct vendor data elevates the authenticity and credibility of a business’s carbon footprint reporting.

Optimized Supply Chain Analysis:
With accurate vendor data, businesses gain deeper insights into their supply chain’s carbon impact, identifying potential areas for improvement.

Efficient Decision-making:
Armed with precise data, businesses can make more informed decisions, aligning their strategies with actual carbon emissions data.

Strengthened Vendor Relationships:
The collaborative nature of the RFI function can lead to stronger, more transparent relationships with vendors, fostering mutual sustainability goals.

It’s not about catching up,
It’s about staying
one step ahead


Understanding the carbon footprint of products or services is a crucial step in addressing one of the most pressing challenges of our time: climate change. By analyzing emissions at the product level, we can gain a granular perspective of where greenhouse gas emissions originate and, consequently, determine the most effective solutions. Here’s why everyone, from manufacturers to consumers, should consider product-level carbon footprints.

Data entry​

The CarbonSig platform simplifies data entry with an intuitive user interface, offering a range of options from manual entry to bulk uploads, ensuring a seamless experience irrespective of the data volume. Its template-based inputs and integration with common business software further ease the process, making it straightforward for businesses to transition from manual data entry to more automated and bulk data processing.

Intuitive User Interface (UI)
Allows users, regardless of technical proficiency, to enter data seamlessly.

Template-based Data Inputs
Provides standardized templates for common products and services to streamline the data entry process.

Bulk Data Upload
Allows businesses to upload large datasets at once, facilitating quicker entry for extensive inventories.

Integration with Common Business Software:
Directly pulls data from CRM, ERP, and other business systems to avoid manual re-entry.

Interactive Help and Tooltips:
Provides on-the-spot guidance for users during the data entry process.

Real-time Data Validation:
Checks data as it’s entered to ensure accuracy and completeness, prompting users if any inconsistencies are detected.

Customizable Data Fields:
Allows businesses to tailor data entry fields based on their specific needs and industry requirements.

Time Efficiency:
Quick and hassle-free data entry processes save businesses precious time.

Reduced Errors:
With real-time validation and intuitive interfaces, the likelihood of data entry errors is minimized.

Whether you’re entering data for one product or a thousand, the platform is designed to handle varying scales of data.

The platform’s mobile optimization ensures that data can be entered or accessed from anywhere, anytime.

Integration Ease:
Seamless integration with common business software means less redundant data entry and streamlined operations.

Data Consistency:
Template-based inputs ensure that data is consistent across products, making analysis and comparisons more accurate.

Empowered Decision Making:
With accurate and easily entered data, businesses can make more informed decisions regarding their carbon footprints.

Enhanced User Experience:
An intuitive platform reduces the learning curve and makes the data entry process more user-friendly.

Customizable data fields allow businesses to adapt the platform to their unique needs.

Holistic Overview:
With data entry made easy, businesses can ensure they’re capturing a comprehensive view of their carbon footprint, leaving no stone unturned.

Digital twinning​

The CarbonSig platform’s digital twinning function creates a virtual representation of all your business processes, mirroring real-world operations and their carbon footprints. This digital replica allows for real-time monitoring, analysis, and optimization of processes, providing insights into areas for carbon reduction and efficiency improvements.

Flexible System Architecture:
The platform is built to adapt and model any process, regardless of industry or complexity.

Diverse Input Integration:
Can represent and incorporate various inputs, from raw materials to energy sources, ensuring a holistic twinning.

High-Fidelity Modeling:
The twinning accurately mirrors the real-world processes, capturing even the minute details and variations.

Industry-specific Templates:
Pre-designed templates for different sectors (e.g., manufacturing, agriculture, logistics) help businesses quickly set up their digital twins without starting from scratch.

Real-time Synchronization:
The digital twin is constantly updated to reflect changes and adjustments in the actual processes, ensuring the digital representation is always current.

Customizable Parameters:
Users can tailor specific parameters to match their unique operational nuances, ensuring the twin is a true reflection of their processes.

Enhanced Process Understanding:
By creating a digital replica, businesses gain a deeper insight into their operations, illuminating areas previously overlooked.

Predictive Analysis:
With a digital twin, businesses can simulate changes and foresee potential outcomes, aiding in decision-making.

Efficiency Optimization:
Identifying bottlenecks or inefficiencies becomes easier, allowing for targeted interventions and improvements.

Carbon Reduction Strategy:
By understanding the carbon footprint at each process stage, businesses can prioritize areas for maximum carbon reduction.

Risk Mitigation:
Simulating changes on the digital twin first can prevent costly or inefficient changes in the real-world processes.

Time and Cost Savings:
The ability to test and iterate in the digital realm can lead to significant savings in both time and resources.

Cross-industry Application:
With industry-specific templates, businesses from various sectors can quickly benefit from digital twinning, without the need for extensive setup.

Stakeholder Engagement:
A visual and interactive digital twin can serve as a tool for engaging stakeholders, from employees to investors, helping them visualize and understand the business’s carbon footprint journey.

Continuous Improvement:
The real-time synchronization ensures that businesses are always working with the latest data, enabling a cycle of continuous improvement and adaptation.

Empowerment Through Knowledge:
With a detailed digital representation, businesses are better equipped to make informed, data-driven decisions about their environmental impact and operational efficiency.

It’s not about catching up,
it’s about staying one step ahead


Modeling digitally twinned processes, inputs, and supply chains in the CarbonSig platform allows businesses to gain granular insights into their operations and environmental impact. By virtually simulating various scenarios, companies can predict and analyze different product-level carbon footprints, empowering them to identify optimization opportunities and make data-driven decisions. This proactive approach enhances sustainability, operational efficiency, and stakeholder trust, positioning businesses at the forefront of environmental responsibility.

CO2 What ifs?

Through its advanced “CO2 What-ifs?” simulation tool, businesses can model various scenarios by altering processes and supplier inputs. This hands-on approach allows for a proactive understanding of potential environmental impacts and paves the way for more sustainable decision-making.

Process Variation Modeling:
Experiment with alternative production or operational processes to determine which method results in a reduced carbon footprint.

Supplier Input Alternatives:
Test different supplier materials or components to evaluate their carbon impact compared to current inputs.

Supply Chain Shifts:
Model changes in logistics, transportation, or sourcing locations to gauge CO2 implications.

Operational Efficiency Scenarios:
Examine the potential CO2 reductions from enhancing operational efficiency, such as through energy-saving measures or waste reduction.

New Technology Implementation:
Predict the carbon savings from incorporating new technologies or equipment into your processes.

Future Forecasting:
Use predictive modeling to anticipate carbon footprints based on expected changes in market dynamics, regulatory environments, or corporate strategies.

Informed Decision-making:
Gain data-driven insights to make choices that align with sustainability goals and reduce environmental impact.

Operational Excellence:
Identify inefficiencies or high carbon-producing processes and make necessary adjustments to achieve better operational outcomes.

Cost Savings:
Many carbon-reducing strategies, once identified, can also lead to financial savings in terms of reduced waste, energy consumption, or more efficient supply chain management.

Enhanced Brand Reputation:
Demonstrating a proactive approach to sustainability can boost a company’s reputation among consumers, partners, and investors.

Risk Mitigation:
By simulating potential changes, companies can predict and prepare for possible challenges or disruptions, ensuring smoother transitions when implementing new strategies.

Stakeholder Engagement:
Keeping stakeholders informed about potential changes and their environmental implications fosters transparency and trust.

Regulatory Compliance:
Staying ahead of potential regulatory changes by modeling scenarios ensures businesses are always in compliance and avoids potential penalties.

Competitive Advantage:
Companies that harness the power of predictive modeling to reduce their carbon footprint often stand out in the market, distinguishing themselves as industry leaders in sustainability.

Modeling Vendor Inputs

Vendor inputs play a fundamental role in determining the carbon footprint of any product or service. By modeling these inputs within the CarbonSig platform, businesses can simulate various sourcing scenarios, gauge their environmental impact, and subsequently make more sustainable choices.

Material Alternatives:
Examine how substituting one raw material for another affects the carbon footprint. This can reveal greener alternatives or spotlight heavy carbon contributors.

Supplier Diversity Modeling:
Simulate sourcing from different suppliers, each with their carbon footprint profiles, to determine the most eco-friendly partners.

Quantitative Variations:
Test the implications of varying the quantities of specific inputs and their corresponding carbon impact, allowing businesses to discover optimal input proportions.

Supply Chain Pathways:
Model the carbon footprint implications of sourcing materials or products from different geographical locations, taking into account transportation and regional production practices.

Production Methods:
Evaluate the carbon impact of materials produced using different methodologies, such as organic versus conventional or recycled versus virgin materials.

Precision in Carbon Accounting:
Gain a more accurate understanding of the carbon footprint by taking into account the nuances of different vendor inputs.

Strategic Sourcing Decisions:
Armed with data on the carbon impact of various suppliers and materials, businesses can make informed sourcing decisions that align with their sustainability goals.

Often, more sustainable input choices can also result in cost savings, either through reduced material costs, decreased waste, or government incentives for eco-friendly practices.

Supply Chain Resilience:
By evaluating various vendor inputs and their carbon implications, businesses can also identify potential supply chain vulnerabilities and strategize to bolster resilience.

Enhanced Brand Value:
Actively optimizing and showcasing sustainable vendor choices boosts brand reputation, resonating with eco-conscious consumers and partners.

Stakeholder Trust:
Transparency in vendor selection and the associated carbon impact fosters trust among investors, consumers, and other stakeholders.

Regulatory Alignment:
Proactively modeling and optimizing vendor inputs ensures businesses stay aligned with evolving environmental regulations and standards.

Innovation Drive:
Exploring different vendor inputs can spur innovation in product design, production methodologies, and overall business strategies.

In an era where every carbon claim matters,
we're putting the control back into YOUR hands.


CarbonSig robustly integrates third-party verification capabilities into its platform, emphasizing transparency and accuracy. This external validation ensures that the carbon footprint data uploaded adheres to global standards and best practices. By validating all attached statements, the platform guarantees unparalleled data quality, enhancing credibility and trustworthiness for businesses using CarbonSig.

3rd party verification​

In a landscape where accuracy in carbon footprint data is paramount, the incorporation of third-party verification into the CarbonSig platform serves as a testament to the platform’s commitment to credibility and authenticity.

Validation of Data Sources:
External experts examine the original sources of data, ensuring they’re robust, credible, and relevant.

Audit of Calculation Methodologies:
The methodologies used to compute carbon footprints are reviewed to ensure they adhere to global standards and best practices.

Random Sampling & Checks:
Third-party verifiers conduct spot checks and random sampling to ascertain the consistency and accuracy of data across the platform.

Supply Chain Verification:
Verification entities assess the traceability and authenticity of supply chain data, guaranteeing comprehensive and accurate carbon accounting.

Feedback & Continuous Improvement:
Post-verification, these entities provide feedback, which the platform can use to refine its data collection and calculation processes.

nparalleled Credibility:
Having an external entity affirm the accuracy of the data exponentially boosts the platform’s credibility, positioning it as a reliable source of carbon footprint information.

Stakeholder Confidence:
Stakeholders, from consumers to investors, can trust the data presented, knowing it has undergone rigorous validation.

Risk Mitigation:
Third-party verification reduces the risk of errors, potential reputational damages, or challenges from skeptics, ensuring businesses face fewer hiccups in their sustainability journey.

Regulatory Compliance:

With validated data, businesses are better positioned to comply with emerging carbon reporting mandates and environmental regulations.

Competitive Differentiation:
Companies using a platform with third-party verification can distinguish themselves in the marketplace, highlighting their commitment to genuine and transparent sustainability efforts.

Enhanced Decision-making:
Verified data ensures that business decisions related to sustainability are grounded in reality, leading to more impactful and effective strategies.

Strengthened Brand Image:
Associating with a platform that prioritizes verification resonates with eco-conscious consumers, enhancing brand reputation and loyalty.

Verified carbon removals​

Carbon removals, or sequestrations, are crucial strategies in achieving net-zero carbon emissions. When these removals are verified, they lend an additional layer of authenticity and trustworthiness, making them a valuable asset for businesses aiming for carbon neutrality.

Validated Impact:
Verified carbon removals have been checked and confirmed by independent third-party entities, ensuring their effectiveness and actual impact in removing carbon from the atmosphere.

Regulatory Alignment:
As global regulatory environments shift towards stricter environmental mandates, having verified carbon removals integrated into the platform helps businesses stay compliant with these evolving standards.

Transparent Carbon Accounting:
Integrating verified removals offers a clearer picture of a business’s carbon balance, considering both emissions and offsets, facilitating more accurate carbon accounting.

Stakeholder Assurance:
With skepticism surrounding some carbon offset projects, verified removals offer stakeholders concrete assurance of the tangible positive impacts a business is making.

Marketplace Trust:
As consumers become more environmentally conscious, showcasing verified carbon removals elevates a brand’s trustworthiness in the marketplace.

Tangible Path to Net-Zero:
Verified carbon removals provide businesses with credible means to offset their emissions, propelling them closer to their net-zero targets.

Enhanced Reputation:
Associating with verified and effective carbon removal projects positions businesses as genuine leaders in sustainability.

Competitive Advantage:
In a saturated market, companies taking tangible, verified steps towards carbon neutrality can differentiate themselves, gaining a competitive edge.

Investor Attraction:
Many investors are prioritizing sustainability in their investment decisions. Businesses showcasing verified carbon removals are likely to attract more eco-conscious investors.

Access to Premium Markets:
Some market segments or regions give preference to products and services that are backed by verified sustainability initiatives, opening new business opportunities.

Risk Reduction:
Verified carbon removals reduce the risk of backlash or skepticism from stakeholders, ensuring the efforts a business is making towards sustainability are genuinely effective.

Long-Term Business Resilience:
Aligning with verified carbon removal projects and achieving net-zero goals ensures businesses are prepared for a future where carbon constraints might be more stringent.

Different product embodied emissions data quality

Imagine the impact of knowing and sharing the
environmental story behind your products, every step of the way.


With CarbonSig, you can confidently attest your product-level CO2e emissions on a public registry through the innovative Smart Attestation. Every product emission report is immutably recorded, creating a digital twin that mirrors real-world value chains. Furthermore, all reports align with global environmental product declaration standards, and any third-party validation or certification is prominently showcased on the Smart Attestation Certificate, elevating transparency and trustworthiness.