Product level CO2e

gathered, modelled, verified & attested.

Product level Carbon Smart Attestations

CarbonSIG smart product level carbon attestation

Share your products defensible carbon story

CarbonSig’s smart product-level carbon attestation is a cutting-edge feature that provides real-time, verified carbon footprint data for individual products. By leveraging advanced analytics and third-party verification, this attestation ensures the utmost accuracy and transparency of emissions data. Businesses using this feature gain a competitive edge by showcasing their commitment to sustainability, building trust with consumers, and aligning with global environmental standards.

Smart attestation

Attesting product-level carbon footprint offers a precise, transparent measure of a product’s environmental impact, distinguishing it from generalized corporate emissions data. By doing so, companies demonstrate a deep commitment to sustainability, fostering consumer trust and preference. This attestation can lead to increased market share, enhanced brand reputation, and alignment with evolving regulatory and environmental standards.

Transform your
product's carbon footprint into hero!

Transparency and trust

CarbonSig’s reference data integration is pivotal in elevating the accuracy and reliability of carbon footprint calculations. By tapping into established carbon footprint benchmarks and datasets, it allows users to enrich their analysis, even when they might not have firsthand data available.

Real-time Data: CarbonSig provides real-time carbon footprint data for each product, ensuring up-to-date and accurate insights.

Third-party Verification: All carbon data is subjected to external verification, ensuring its authenticity and accuracy.

Detailed Breakdown: Beyond just a single number, CarbonSig offers a detailed breakdown of where emissions occur, be it in sourcing, manufacturing, transportation, or disposal.

Visible Commitment: Publicly attesting to a product’s carbon footprint signals a brand’s commitment to environmental responsibility, which resonates deeply with eco-conscious consumers.

Accountability: The attestation holds brands accountable, ensuring they work continuously to maintain or reduce their declared footprints.

Alignment with Standards: CarbonSig’s attestation aligns with global environmental standards and best practices, further reinforcing its credibility.

Consumer Loyalty: Transparent brands often enjoy stronger loyalty from their customer base, leading to repeat purchases and long-term relationships.

Market Differentiation: In crowded marketplaces, a verified carbon footprint can set products apart, giving them a unique selling proposition.

Regulatory Preparedness: As governments worldwide tighten environmental regulations, having attested data ensures companies are always in compliance, avoiding potential penalties.

Investor Appeal: Sustainability is a growing criterion for investors; companies that attest to their product-level carbon footprints can attract eco-conscious investments.

Supply Chain Improvements: With detailed insights, businesses can pinpoint where in their supply chain the most emissions are occurring and strategize accordingly.

Stakeholder Engagement: Transparent data fosters better relationships with all stakeholders, from suppliers to partners to consumers.

Brand Reputation: In the age of information, being recognized as a brand that willingly shares its environmental impact elevates its reputation and stature.

Economic Efficiency: Often, the process of analyzing and reducing carbon footprints can lead to the discovery of operational inefficiencies, resulting in cost savings.

Unlock new markets

In an era where sustainability and eco-friendliness are becoming central to consumer choice, CarbonSig’s smart product-level carbon footprint attestation provides companies with a strategic advantage to penetrate new markets and attract eco-conscious consumers.

Detailed Carbon Profiling:
CarbonSig calculates the carbon footprint of products, offering a comprehensive profile that includes sourcing, manufacturing, transportation, usage, and disposal.

Third-party Verification:
All attested data undergoes stringent third-party verification, bolstering its authenticity and reliability.

Public Product Registry:
Products with their attested carbon footprints are listed in a public registry, offering transparency and easy access for interested parties, including consumers, partners, and regulators.

Dynamic Monitoring:
CarbonSig provides real-time updates, ensuring that the attested carbon footprint data remains current and reflects any changes in production or supply chain.

Consumer-friendly Labeling:
CarbonSig allows for the creation of clear, consumer-friendly labels showcasing the product’s carbon footprint, facilitating informed purchasing decisions.

Eco-conscious Market Penetration:
With attested products, companies can tap into the growing segment of consumers who prioritize sustainability in their purchasing decisions.

Regulatory Advantage:
Many regions and countries are adopting stricter environmental regulations. Having attested products can provide a competitive edge in these markets, ensuring regulatory compliance and possibly benefiting from incentives.

Brand Differentiation:
In saturated markets, a verified carbon footprint can be a unique selling point, setting a brand or product apart from its competitors.

Strategic Partnerships:
Businesses that prioritize sustainability are more likely to attract partnerships with like-minded companies, NGOs, or governmental bodies, amplifying their market reach and impact.

Consumer Trust and Loyalty:
Transparent disclosure of a product’s environmental impact fosters trust, leading to stronger customer relationships and loyalty.

Enhanced Reputation:

Companies that attest to their carbon footprints are often viewed as industry leaders and innovators, bolstering their brand image and attracting positive media attention.

Value Chain Opportunities:
Companies with attested products can become preferred suppliers or partners in eco-friendly value chains or networks, unlocking new business-to-business opportunities.

Innovative Product Development:
Insights from the attestation process can spur product innovation, leading to the development of even more sustainable products and solutions.

Share, transfer & discover

CarbonSig Registry is a centralized database dedicated to storing and managing smart attestations and all certified carbon footprint information related to products and services. It offers a transparent platform where businesses can showcase their sustainability credentials, and consumers, partners, and regulators can verify these claims. This comprehensive and accessible database reinforces transparency, trust, and accountability in the global effort to combat climate change.


With user-friendly interfaces and public accessibility, it ensures that stakeholders, partners, and consumers can easily access and review this data. By centralizing and simplifying data sharing, the CarbonSig Registry bolsters transparency and fosters collaborative sustainability efforts across industries.

Real-time Data: CarbonSig provides real-time carbon footprint data for each product, ensuring up-to-date and accurate insights.

Third-party Verification: All carbon data is subjected to external verification, ensuring its authenticity and accuracy.

Detailed Breakdown: Beyond just a single number, CarbonSig offers a detailed breakdown of where emissions occur, be it in sourcing, manufacturing, transportation, or disposal.

Visible Commitment: Publicly attesting to a product’s carbon footprint signals a brand’s commitment to environmental responsibility, which resonates deeply with eco-conscious consumers.

Accountability: The attestation holds brands accountable, ensuring they work continuously to maintain or reduce their declared footprints.

Alignment with Standards: CarbonSig’s attestation aligns with global environmental standards and best practices, further reinforcing its credibility.

Consumer Loyalty: Transparent brands often enjoy stronger loyalty from their customer base, leading to repeat purchases and long-term relationships.

Market Differentiation: In crowded marketplaces, a verified carbon footprint can set products apart, giving them a unique selling proposition.

Regulatory Preparedness: As governments worldwide tighten environmental regulations, having attested data ensures companies are always in compliance, avoiding potential penalties.

Investor Appeal: Sustainability is a growing criterion for investors; companies that attest to their product-level carbon footprints can attract eco-conscious investments.

Supply Chain Improvements: With detailed insights, businesses can pinpoint where in their supply chain the most emissions are occurring and strategize accordingly.

Stakeholder Engagement: Transparent data fosters better relationships with all stakeholders, from suppliers to partners to consumers.

Brand Reputation: In the age of information, being recognized as a brand that willingly shares its environmental impact elevates its reputation and stature.

Economic Efficiency: Often, the process of analyzing and reducing carbon footprints can lead to the discovery of operational inefficiencies, resulting in cost savings.


The CarbonSig Registry is a pivotal tool that enables the smooth transfer of both verified and attested emissions data between businesses, suppliers, and consumers. Its centralized structure ensures that data exchange is streamlined, consistent, and trustworthy. By facilitating such data transfers, the registry accentuates the potential of carbon-attested value chains, promoting collaboration and transparency in driving sustainable industry practices.

Detailed Carbon Profiling:
CarbonSig calculates the carbon footprint of products, offering a comprehensive profile that includes sourcing, manufacturing, transportation, usage, and disposal.

Third-party Verification:
All attested data undergoes stringent third-party verification, bolstering its authenticity and reliability.

Public Product Registry:
Products with their attested carbon footprints are listed in a public registry, offering transparency and easy access for interested parties, including consumers, partners, and regulators.

Dynamic Monitoring:
CarbonSig provides real-time updates, ensuring that the attested carbon footprint data remains current and reflects any changes in production or supply chain.

Consumer-friendly Labeling:
CarbonSig allows for the creation of clear, consumer-friendly labels showcasing the product’s carbon footprint, facilitating informed purchasing decisions.

Eco-conscious Market Penetration:
With attested products, companies can tap into the growing segment of consumers who prioritize sustainability in their purchasing decisions.

Regulatory Advantage:
Many regions and countries are adopting stricter environmental regulations. Having attested products can provide a competitive edge in these markets, ensuring regulatory compliance and possibly benefiting from incentives.

Brand Differentiation:
In saturated markets, a verified carbon footprint can be a unique selling point, setting a brand or product apart from its competitors.

Strategic Partnerships:
Businesses that prioritize sustainability are more likely to attract partnerships with like-minded companies, NGOs, or governmental bodies, amplifying their market reach and impact.

Consumer Trust and Loyalty:
Transparent disclosure of a product’s environmental impact fosters trust, leading to stronger customer relationships and loyalty.

Enhanced Reputation:

Companies that attest to their carbon footprints are often viewed as industry leaders and innovators, bolstering their brand image and attracting positive media attention.

Value Chain Opportunities:
Companies with attested products can become preferred suppliers or partners in eco-friendly value chains or networks, unlocking new business-to-business opportunities.

Innovative Product Development:
Insights from the attestation process can spur product innovation, leading to the development of even more sustainable products and solutions.


The CarbonSig Registry is a comprehensive platform that catalogs and highlights products and services based on their carbon intensity. Users can efficiently search, filter, and compare offerings to identify those with the lowest carbon footprints. By facilitating this discovery process, the registry empowers consumers and businesses alike to make environmentally conscious choices and prioritize sustainable options.

Detailed Carbon Profiling:
CarbonSig calculates the carbon footprint of products, offering a comprehensive profile that includes sourcing, manufacturing, transportation, usage, and disposal.

Third-party Verification:
All attested data undergoes stringent third-party verification, bolstering its authenticity and reliability.

Public Product Registry:
Products with their attested carbon footprints are listed in a public registry, offering transparency and easy access for interested parties, including consumers, partners, and regulators.

Dynamic Monitoring:
CarbonSig provides real-time updates, ensuring that the attested carbon footprint data remains current and reflects any changes in production or supply chain.

Consumer-friendly Labeling:
CarbonSig allows for the creation of clear, consumer-friendly labels showcasing the product’s carbon footprint, facilitating informed purchasing decisions.

Eco-conscious Market Penetration:
With attested products, companies can tap into the growing segment of consumers who prioritize sustainability in their purchasing decisions.

Regulatory Advantage:
Many regions and countries are adopting stricter environmental regulations. Having attested products can provide a competitive edge in these markets, ensuring regulatory compliance and possibly benefiting from incentives.

Brand Differentiation:
In saturated markets, a verified carbon footprint can be a unique selling point, setting a brand or product apart from its competitors.

Strategic Partnerships:
Businesses that prioritize sustainability are more likely to attract partnerships with like-minded companies, NGOs, or governmental bodies, amplifying their market reach and impact.

Consumer Trust and Loyalty:
Transparent disclosure of a product’s environmental impact fosters trust, leading to stronger customer relationships and loyalty.

Enhanced Reputation:
Companies that attest to their carbon footprints are often viewed as industry leaders and innovators, bolstering their brand image and attracting positive media attention.

Value Chain Opportunities:
Companies with attested products can become preferred suppliers or partners in eco-friendly value chains or networks, unlocking new business-to-business opportunities.

Innovative Product Development:
Insights from the attestation process can spur product innovation, leading to the development of even more sustainable products and solutions.

Different product embodied emissions data quality